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Albert Group

LA Police Dept. Station Garages

4861 Venice Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, USA

4861 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90019 and 4015 La Salle Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90062

The assignment to Albert Group included 2 police station garages and vehicle maintenance facilities. The continuously ramped double helix arrangement, precast concrete construction efficiently houses over 200 vehicles in each structure.

The Venice Boulevard structure has a curved end wall with a cast concrete city seal and forms a public plaza at a busy intersection.

Anchor 1


Design start:

Planning / Zoning approval:

Building permit issued (or Ready-to-Issue):

Construction start:

Substantial completion / Certificate of Occupancy:

Building & construction data

Scope of construction project:

Scope of architectural services provided:

Project delivery method:

Occupancies (CBC):

Construction Types (CBC):

Total building area (CBC):

Portion of area within scope (if different):

Height (CBC):

# Total vehicle parking:

# Residential vehicle parking:

# Non-residential vehicle parking:


Zoning / Planning / Entitlements

Total site parcel(s) area:

Zone(s) at time of design:

Relevant regulatory framework:

Other zoning:

Housing & residential

Total # residential units:

Bedroom mix / breakdown:

Average unit size:





Albert Group Architects
1745 Berkeley St. Suite 4
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 820-8863
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