Portfolio. Multi-family
7801 Otis Ave. apartments
7801 Otis Avenue, Cudahy, CA, USA
360 units in Cudahy, CA, southeast of downtown LA.
Cluster of 5 buildings connected by walkway bridges.
6 stories: 5 Type 3A wood over 1 Type 1A concrete. 1 level subterranean parking.
Mix of 1's, 2's & studios:
180 1's (avg. 560 SF)
90 2's (avg. 850 SF)
90 studios (avg. 425 SF)
96,000 SF lot
12117 Valleyheart Dr. apartments
12117 Valleyheart Dr, Studio City, CA 91604, USA
New-construction 23-unit, 5-story (4 Type 3A over 1 Type 1A) apartment building along the LA River in Studio City, just off Laurel Canyon Blvd. and Ventura Blvd.
Mix of studio, 1-, and 2-bedroom units. The units @ the top floor have double-height living room spaces.
9298 Alden Dr. affordable housing
9298 Alden Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA
82 units of affordable housing just off Santa Monica Blvd. in Beverly Hills. By the Beverly Hills Dog Park at Alden Dr. and Foothill Rd.
All 1-bedroom units. Roofdecks on the 4th and 5th floors. 4,400 SF of support and community space on the grade-level. 39 spaces of on-grade parking
4 stories Type 5 construction over 1 grade level Type 1A story.
Tilden Terrace affordable apartments
11048 Washington Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232, USA
New-construction of 33-unit, 100% affordable, LEED Silver apartment building between the Washington West Corridor and Downtown Culver City
Mix of 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom units, 10,400 SF ground-floor retail space
***Recipient of the "Housing Award" (multifamily affordable category); 44th Annual Architectural Awards 2014 AIA LA***
8931 Helms Pl. apartments
8931 Helms Place, Los Angeles, CA, USA
78 units. 16 studios, 56 1-bedrooms.
Just north of the 10 freeway, off Robertson Blvd. in LA.
4 stories type 5A construction over 1 concrete podium. 10 future ADU's on ground-floor.
0 parking required due to AB2097; 19 parking spaces provided.
74% Density Bonus increase. 12 units with rents for VLI households.
4918 Melrose Ave. co-living apartments
4918 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029, USA
New-construction 42 co-living units in the Melrose Hill neighorhood near Little Armenia, East Hollywood, & Larchmont Village.
Mix of mostly 3-, 4-, and 5-bedroom units; some studios.
7-story, inner courtyard scheme. 2-level community room and roof-deck.
812 Huntley Dr. townhomes
812 Huntley Dr, West Hollywood, CA 90069, USA
New-construction 5 luxury town-home apartments between Melrose Ave. and Santa Monica Blvd. with roofdeck views of the Hollywood Hills
Each unit is 2-stories, each has a roofdeck, and each has a yard (front or rear), and each unit has an extra subterranean garage-level room
***Bronze Award; LA Business Journal 2021 CRE Awards--Multi-family***
***Citation Award; AIA Los Angeles 2022 Residential Architecture Awards***
4339 Berryman Ave. co-living apartments
4339 Berryman Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90066, USA
New-construction project of 28 co-living units. Mostly 5- and 6-bedroom units. 2 3-bedroom units.
4-story courtyard “skip-stop” scheme. All units contain bedrooms on 2 levels, and the interior courtyard circulation balconies skip every other floor. The two main stair cores serving the building stop at every other residential floor.
Under Construction
2869 Francis Ave. apartments
2869 Francis Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, USA
New-construction 57,000 SF total T.O.C.-entitled project in Koreatown blocks away from MacArthur Park.
110 micro-unit apartments with 11 ELI units. Average unit size 360 SF.
101 studios, 3 X 1-bedrooms, 5 X 2-bedrooms, and 1 X 3-bedroom unit.
5 stories total: 4 levels Type 3A construction over 1 grade-level Type 1A story over 1 subterranean 1A story. 69 vehicle parking spaces on the 2 Type 1A levels.
733 S. Park View St. apartments
733 S Park View St, Los Angeles, CA 90057, USA
New-construction 7-story, 264-unit mixed-use apartment and ground-floor retail building on Park View St. in the Westlake neighborhood, a block from MacArthur Park near downtown LA.
All studio, 1-, and 2-bedroom units.
All of the units on the exterior facing the streets have balconies.
2136 Westwood Blvd. apartments
2136 Westwood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025, USA
New-construction of a 77-unit apartment building on Westwood Blvd. in West LA near UCLA and the Wilshire corridor.
86,000 SF total Tier 2 T.O.C.-entitled project.
77 total units with 7 ELI units.
12 studios, 59 X 1-bedrooms, 6 X 2-bedroom units.
6 stories total: 4 levels Type 3A construction over 2 above-grade Type 1A stories over 1 subterranean 1A story. 71 vehicle parking spaces on the lower 2 Type 1A levels.
332 S. Doheny Dr. apartments
332 S Doheny Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90211, USA
New-construction 9-unit building on Doheny between Olympic & Wilshire boulevards in Beverly Hills.
4 stories of residential units in Type 5A construction over 1 grade-level Type 1A story with parking and units over 1 subterranean parking level. 12 parking spaces total.
8000 S. Western Ave. apartments
8000 South Western Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, USA
New 36-unit building in South LA (in South LA CPIO) on Western between Florence Ave. & Manchester Ave.
35 1's @ 475 SF; one 990 SF 2-bed
2,000 SF ground-floor retail.
5 stories Type 3A wood construction over 1 concrete Type 1A level.
ED1 100% affordable project.
45'x138' lot.
950 S. Lake St. apartments
950 S Lake St, Los Angeles, CA 90006, USA
67 units in the Westlake neighborhood near downtown LA. 6 above-grade stories. 5 light-frame wood Type 3A stories (with a Mezzanine level) over 1 grade-level Type 1A parking level over 1 subterranean parking garage. Entitled under LA's T.O.C program (in Tier 3).
16710 Ventura Blvd. apartments
16710 Ventura Boulevard, Encino, CA, USA
New-construction of 125 unit mixed use project.
Design based on the dual pedestrian and vehicular rhythms of Ventura Boulevard.
The commercial frontage alternates in carefully scaled storefronts with planters and benches to support a Walkable Street environment.
6650 Reseda Blvd. apartments
6650 Reseda Blvd, Reseda, CA 91335, USA
New-construction 180-unit, 6-story apartment building just off the LA River in Reseda
Mix of studios, 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom units
Entitled under LA's Density Bonus program.
280,000 SF total building code area; 2 fire-wall-separated Type 5A structures over 2 story concrete podium over 1 story subterranean parking.
5,000 SF ground floor retail space
255 S. Burlington Ave. apartments
255 S Burlington Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90057, USA
New-construction 130 unit apartment project.
6 levels of residential units over 2 stories of subterranean parking and 1 on-grade story with commercial space and parking.
The project includes 13 Extremely Low Income units.
Under Construction
1540 W. 6th St. apartments
1540 W 6th St, Los Angeles, CA 90017, USA
New-construction 38-unit apartment project on 6th St. off of Union Ave. in the Westlake neighborhood of LA.
4 stories of light-frame Type VA wood construction over 1 grade-level Type 1A concrete level with parking & 350 SF of retail space over 1 subterranean concrete parking level.
All studios & 1-bedrooms. 1,500 SF rooftop open space.
1122 S. Roxbury Dr. apartments
1122 S Roxbury Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90035, USA
25-unit apartment project on curved corner parcels at the border of LA and Beverly Hills, right by Roxbury Park.
Due to the program and constraints changing over the years, we had the opportunity to perform various design studies and provide options for our clients.
639 N. Fairfax Ave. apartments
639 N Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90036, USA
New-construction 48-unit apartment building project right by the intersection of Fairfax and Melrose in LA. 3 Levels & 1 mezzanine of residential units over 1 story commercial space & parking over 1 story subterranean parking.
6611 Reseda Blvd. apartments. "The Watermark"
6611 Reseda Blvd, Reseda, CA 91335, USA
New-construction of 250 apartment units and 6,000 SF of retail right along the LA River in Reseda.
Units at the rear of the site face single family homes.
The massing is further reduced by stepping and terracing these units.
2409 Griffith Park Blvd. apartments
2409 Griffith Park Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, USA
New-construction of a 13-unit apartment building in the Silver Lake neighborhood of LA.
Consists of two separate building-code defined buildings.
One shared semisubterranean parking that has a main entrance from Griffith Park Blvd.
1435 W. 3rd St. apartments
1435 West 3rd Street, Los Angeles, CA, USA
New 148-unit apartment building.
4 levels of Type IIIA construction over 3 levels of Type IA construction on-grade, over 1 level subterranean parking Type IA construction.
The proposed project includes (14)Extremely Low Income units.
1919 S. Western Ave. apartments
1919 S Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90018, USA
30-unit mixed-use apartment project near the El Salvador Community Corridor & Pico-Union. 4-story wood construction over 2 concrete stories over 1 subterranean parking level. 2,700 SF of ground-floor commercial space, and 8,000 SF of office space on the 2nd story. Mix of 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom units.
321 E. Florence Ave. affordable apartments
321 E Florence Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90003, USA
New-construction 31-unit project with ground-floor commercial in the Central Alameda neighborhood of LA. 100% of units at Affordable (per HCIDLA) rent levels
NO residential parking
470 SF ground-floor retail space.
825 S. Coronado St. apartments
825 S Coronado St, Los Angeles, CA 90057, USA
"5-over-1" 77-unit new-construction project on a trapezoidal parcel bounded by Hoover St. and Coronado St. in the Westlake neighborhood of LA. Mix of 24 studios, 43 1-bedrooms, 10 2-bedroom units.
The site is located where the North-South predominant street grid of LA shifts to the slanted grid of the historic downtown LA core.
Under Construction
2468 Glendale Blvd. apartments
2469 Glendale Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90039, USA
New-construction 38-unit multifamily apartment building in Silver Lake in LA. 3 stories of residential (Type 3A construction) over 2 stories parking (Type 1A construction), 1 story of on-grade parking with community room and 1 story of subterranean parking.
Classic Club Blvd. apartments west
Classic Club Blvd, Palm Desert, CA, USA
New-construction 192-unit development on a 369,673 SF parcel located adjacent to the Classic Club golf course in Palm Desert, CA.
120 1-bedrooms; 72 2-bedrooms. 271 vehicle parking spaces.
4 Stories of Type VA construction over Type 1A concrete podium.
4433 Cartwright Ave. apartments
4433 Cartwright Ave, North Hollywood, CA 91602, USA
14 unit apartment building near Toluca Lake and the NoHo Arts District. 12 1-bedroom units, 2 2-bedroom units. 5 stories: 4 Type VA wood stories over 1 Type 1A concrete story with grade-level parking.
Under Construction
Low Rise - Housing Ideas for Los Angeles (competition)
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Albert Group's competition entry. The competition was about the concept of "low-rise" densification of existing single-family residential neighborhoods in LA.
Essentially, what could increased densification of existing single-family zones look like?
647 W. 28th St. student housing apartments
647 W 28th St, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA
New-construction 24-unit apartment building serving as student housing on USC's frat row.
6 stories total; 5 levels of Type 3A construction over 1 grade-level Type 1A level. Common open space on the 6th floor roof level.
NO vehicle parking required or provided as part of housing affordability incentive.
1614 W. Temple St. apartments
1614 W Temple St, Los Angeles, CA 90026, USA
New-construction of 72 all 1-bedroom units in the Westlake neighborhood overlooking Echo Park near Downtown LA.
6 Type IIIA wood stories of residential units over 2 Type 1A concrete parking levels--1 of which is subterranean--and over street-level commercial space.
1349 W. 1st St. / Beverly Blvd. apartments
1349 W 1st St, Los Angeles, CA 90026, USA
New-construction mixed-use project next to Vista Hermosa Park near downtown LA. 102 apartments, 3,000 SF of ground-floor commercial, and preservation and repurposing of the Bob Baker Marionette Theater, historical Cultural Monument #958.
1136 N. Vermont Ave. apartments
1136 North Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, USA
New-construction 7-story apartment building on Vermont Ave. near LA City College.
5 Type 3A wood-framed stories above 2 Type 1A stories above 1 subterranean parking level.
1,900 SF of ground-floor commercial space.
65 units total: 63 1-bedrooms; 2 2-bedrooms.
12979 Rancho Penasquitos Eldercare apartments
12979 Rancho Peñasquitos Boulevard, San Diego, CA, USA
Repurposing and renovation.
Conversion of a Marriott hotel into Assisted Living and Memory Care facility.
118 rooms divided into 4 'pods' each with a common room.
Operated by the Parsons Group. Santa Barbara CA.
4660 Melrose Ave. apartments
4660 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029, USA
66-unit new construction apartment project at Melrose Ave. and Ardmore Ave. near East Hollywood. LA T.O.C. Tier 2 entitled project.
6 story apartment building (1 level underground parking, 1 level on grade parking, 5 stories residential.
4364 S. McLaughlin Ave. apartments
4364 McLaughlin Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90066, USA
New-construction 4 story, 7-unit apartment building on subterranean parking.
The project is located in a residential neighborhood near Culver City, between Venice Blvd. and the Ballona Creek, about a ½ mile west of the 405.
4211 Redwood Ave. apartments
4211 Redwood Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90066, USA
47 units with underground parking
A series of 'garden units' expressed as cluster towers were desgned for a very deep site in the Glencoe Maxella District of Marina Del Rey.
One of 6 projects designed by our firm in the area.
The majority of units have no common or party wall to the other units.
Harriet Tubman Senior Independent Living apartments
2870 Adeline St, Berkeley, CA 94703, USA
Upgrade and modernization of an existing 92 unit studio and one bedroom apartment building built in 1968.
Energy savings measures for “Green” designation includes new windows, new heating and water distribution.
5000 S. Beethoven St. apartments. "The Island"
5000 Beethoven St, Los Angeles, CA 90066, USA
236 residential units in light wood-frame over concrete construction on the peninsula between Playa Vista and Del Rey, surrounded on 2 sides by water.
To the west, the Ballona Creek; to the east, the Centinela Creek channel, and to the north, the 90 Freeway. 2 new bridges spanning the waters, 1 on the west connecting the Island to the Ballona Creek Bike Path, and 1 to the east connecting the Island to Playa Vista.
701 N Montgomery St. assisted living
701 N Montgomery St, Ojai, CA 93023, USA
Renovated building within several blocks of the historic downtown of Ojai.
The residential additions complete courtyard clusters of about 22 units each.
The architectural detailing was meticulously studied and reviewe to ensure a seamless blend of new and old.